Regular Click Metronome – 40 tracks
1234 Counting Metronome – 15 tracks
123 Counting Metronome – 15 tracks
9 Reasons The Metronome Triple Set Rocks!
- Instant download, have it in minutes!
- More affordable than a conventional metronome
- Volume adjustable
- Weightless
- Save cupboard/desk space
- Use it on your home computer or your phone
- No fiddly buttons, just pick a tempo and hit play
- No winding up needed like a regular metronome
- It counts for you, that’s just awesome!
Load this great collection of metronomes tracks onto your pc, and have them ready to use when ever you need. Its as easy as choosing a style & tempo and hitting PLAY!
Use your choice of music player such as iTunes, Windows Media Player or any other to play these great MP3 metronome tracks. You can even use a portable music player like an iPod to take them with you in your pocket!
MP3 Metronome
Some times you do want the simplicity of the metronome for practice so Im giving you an unbeatable collection of metronome tracks that are ready to load onto your ipod and take anywhere.
Because it's digital takes up no space and is weightless.
1234 Counting Metronome
Learning to keep count as you play is a skill that normally takes years to develop. Practicing with the '1234 Counting Metronome' teaches you to count beats as you play.
No more getting lost not knowing where the change chords. Its also great for teaching, I use it heaps when teaching guitar lessons.
123 Counting Metronome
The next most common beat count is bars of 3 so it only makes sense the have a 123 Counting Metronome aswell.
Ask any accomplished musician and they will tell you just how important to develop your 'internal metronome'. Learning to read and count rhythms is one of the most challenging aspects of any musical instrument.